

2016 valentine video – Watch Video >

The Violin Player – 1st Prize 14-17 years
Sally Weintrobe: I think this so beautifully expresses our inner fears about climate change, the internal world and the world of dreams. And it makes Hanna Segal’s point that what is frightening is when our nightmares are in danger of coming true in reality. It’s about a musician who imagines a melting world as he is playing, then he realizes it is an inner state.”Watch Video >

A wonderful TED talk by Ian McCullum – Watch Video >

This video based on NASA satellite imagery transforms our picture of the earth into a complex dynamic living being. – Watch Video >

For a short funny video on breaking up with fossil fuels – Watch Video >

Proceedings of the two day Radical Reductions Emissions Conference: long, but fascinating – Watch Video >

Books and Articles

Naomi Klein (2015) This Changes Everything

Rob Nixon (2011) Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor

Clive Hamilton (2013) Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering.

Ro Randall and Andy Brown (2014) In Time for Tomorrow

Chris Rapley (2015) 2071: The world we’ll leave our grandchildren


Climate Psychology Alliance – Link >

Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything website – Link >

Global movement to divest from fossil fuels – Link >

Good website on the science and the human science  – Link >